“Association for community cooperation & rural development (ACCORD)” is a NPO/NGO ( non- profitable organization / non government organization) Working for Welfare of Women ,Children and under-privileged People in Rural India.
We have improving the social, educational and economic situations of Rural and semi-urban women, improving girl’s education and women’s literacy, Motivating grassroots women to form self-help groups and schemes for their economic development, raising awareness among grassroots women on collective work and collective responsibility, helping grassroots women to become economically independent, Building women’s self-confidence through personal development and technical training.
We have working for the Child Development, Child Education, Child Care, Child Feeding Supports, Child Education and Sponsorship, Rural poor students summer camps, Poverty Alleviation, Tribal Welfare, Disable Care, Women Empowerment, Slum Development, unorganized labor welfare development, Health and water Sanitation Program, Human Rights, Preservation of Environment, Aged Care, Orphan Care, Housing and Shelter and other Charitable Programs.
ACCORD is a non-government organization, registered under society registration act 21, 1860. ACCORD has been working since many year to fulfill the educational, economical, health and other social needs and requirements of the children of deprived population. It is widely acknowledged that education has an important role to achieve a greater degree of social justice. Our NGO works for the economic and social empowerment of rural children in the villages across India. The organization is committed to raising the level of education and literacy in rural India and to help under-privileged children realize their full potential.
The educational institutions are expected to equip children to the best of their ability for securing a meaningful place in society and thus fostering a process of developing an egalitarian society. However, a large number of children are still excluded from the educational system and hence cannot participate meaningfully in the economic, social, political and cultural life of their communities. Due to various reasons the children are deprived of such educational processes which hinder their development to attain full citizenship. ACCORD is working on educational and economic well-being, for human dignity, as well as for health security.
ACCORD’s main areas of work include non formal education, women and children empowerment, livelihood support, health services and environment sustainability.